Page 5:
- Local Air Force Veterans make scouting a family affair
- Will you answer the call? Volunteers needed at Cub Scout Day Camp
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- Germantown Hill scouts attend leadership training program
- Dutch oven cooking in the great outdoors
Page 7:
- The history of Morton Cub Scout Pack 85
- Morton Cub Scout Pack 85 Pinewood Derby tradition continues
- Bench project allows MGS students to once again sit comfortably while waiting for parent pickup
- Cub Scouts have fun while building character with Pack 76
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- Find fun, adventure, service with Scouts BSA Troop178
- Scouts instill, develop leadership skills
Page 9:
- Lasting friendships made at World Jamboree
- Scouts soar to new personal heights through Eagle Projects
- Scout testimonial 'My week of summer fun at Camp Tomahawk'
- Order of the Arrow-- The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service
- Scouts of Troop 178 continue proud tradition
- Troop 178 girls, boys making it work together
Page 10:
- Getting started with the girls
- Boy Scout Troop 163 celebrates historical milestone
- Newly formed troops 206, 2206 looking ahead to many adventures
- Coming soon- "Ga Ga Ball" at Washington Park
- Cub Scout Pack 206 provides cheerful service at Widow Pantry
Page 11:
-Troop 163's 100th Eagle Scout revitalizes Meadow Valley Park
- Scouting helps members in 'finding the balance'
- Crossover ceremony an honor for all scouts
- Eagle project makes reading easier for visually impaired elderly
- Learning leadership skills through scouting
Page 12:
-Washington Cub Scout Pack 73 marks 50 years of scouting history
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-Scout 'Spirit' still aglow in Washington Pack 168